Conference "Dimensions of Evidence in European Civil Procedure" 2014

International Scientific Conference
20th - 21th of March 2014, Maribor, Slovenia


The Institute for Civil, Comparative and International Private Law of the University of Maribor organized this International Scientific Conference under the EU Project Dimensions of Evidence in European Civil Procedure with financial support from the Civil Justice/Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union.

The conference considered the most important issues appearing during the taking of evidence in civil litigation from national and transnational perspective to bridge the differences and to promote common core knowledge. A special session also focused on the application of communication technology, with special focus on direct contacts between national courts in the cross-border cases, on the exchange and use of electronic evidence in terms of direct usability, on legal validity and on long-term preservation of evidence.

video-conference from different locations in the EU was also organized with a support from the Judicial Training Centre Republic of Slovenia and different Ministries for Justice.

The main aim of the event was the presentation of national reports. National reporters were present and actively participated in all parts of the conference. Speakers in all the panels were encouraging national reporters to provide information and their opinion about topics of individual panels.

The conference was held within the European project »Dimensions of Evidence in European Civil Procedure" and was actually a perfect opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas.


PlaceUniversity of MariborSlomškov trg 15, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, Aula Magna


Project DEECP: JUST/2011‐2012/JCIV/AG/3434
Dimensions of evidence in civil procedure
With financial support from the Civil Justice/Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union