1st Expert Meeting in Wroclaw, Poland

On January 13th-14th 2023, an expert meeting in Wroclaw, Poland, was held in the framework of the EU (Justice) project "Digi-Guard". The consortium of eight (08) partner institutions coordinated by the Faculty of Law of the University of Maribor, addressed the problems of (cross-border) electronic service, electronic evidence, and the implementation of video conferences in civil and commercial matters in the EU. The partners of the project (besides PF UM) are "Leibniz Universität Hannover", "Universiteit Maastricht", "Sveučilište u Rijeka, Faculty of Law", "Universität Graz", "Uniwersytet Wroclawski", "Institute for Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana" and Cepris d.o.o.
The meeting was attended by Prof. from the Faculty of Law. dr. Vesna Rijavec, prof. dr. Tomaž Keresteš, prof. dr. Tjaša Ivanc, assistant. Denis Baghrizabehi and Jasmina Klojcnik. 

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Directorate General Justice and Consumers (DG JUST). Neither the European Union nor DG JUST can be held responsible for them.