
  • Petra Weingerl published an article on civil liability for artificial intelligence in the employment relationships (Odškodninska odgovornost za uporabo umetne inteligence v delovnem razmerju). Delavci in delodajalci : [revija za delovno pravo in pravo socialne varnosti]. 2023, letn. 23, [št.] 4, str. 361-378
  • Petra Weingerl published an article with the title The EU as a global actor in consumer protection. Podjetje in delo : revija za gospodarsko, delovno in socialno pravo. [Tiskana izd.]. 2023, letn. 49, [št.] 2, str. 213-233
  • Chapter with the title Relevant Links: Investment Migration as an Expression of National Autonomy in Matters of Nationality was published in the monograph Citizenship and Residence Sales: Rethinking the Boundaries of Belonging, edited by Dimitry Kochenov and Kristin Surak (Cambridge University Press).  

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  • The publishing house Uradni list of the Republic of Slovenia has published a monograph by Dr Petra Weingerl and Prof Matjaž Tratnik, Selected Topics of International Law. The monograph deals with some of the central topics of (public) international law. The work takes into account the Slovenian perspective and discusses the individual institutes of international law in relation to Slovenian law and practice.

  • Petra Weingerl & Matjaž Tratnik published an article in the European Journal of International Law. The article's title: Climbing the Wall around EU Citizenship: Has the Time Come to Align Third-Country Nationals with Intra-EU Migrants?

    Link to the article




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