Poletne šole

Študentom, ki redno opravljajo študijske obveznosti na naši fakulteti, priporočamo, da se v času poletnih počitnic udeležijo poletnih šol v tujini. Takšne šole so odličen način za nadgrajevanje pravnega znanja, ki ga ponuja redni program PF UM, pa tudi prijetna priložnost za kratkotrajnejše druženje s kolegi z drugih univerz in navezovanje stikov, ki so lahko kasneje v poklicu zelo koristni. V tej rubriki objavljamo aktualne razpise za poletne šole.

  • Zelo priljubljena v našem delu Evrope je Alpbach Summer School on European Integration.
  • Priznane so tudi poletne šole na PF v Oxfordu.
  • Zelo kvalitetne vsebine iz prava EU ponuja tudiAcademy of European Law Summer School pri European University Institute v Firencah.

Poleg konkretnih razpisov je zelo koristen iskalnik po poletnih šolah, ki ga lahko uporabijo sami študenti.

Summer School of Civil Law 2024

The Civil Law Foundation is a French institution of international legal cooperation, recognized as public utility, whose main objective is to promote the assets of civil law and create forums of exchange on legal systems, both in France and abroad.

Every year, our Foundation organizes the Summer School of Civil Law in partnership with the prestigious Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas. 

The 2024 edition will exceptionally be held entirely online due to the Paris Olympic Games. It will take place from July 1 to July 31, 2024

The ambition of this Summer School is to provide all participants with a comprehensive understanding of continental law and its evolution and influence on the legal and economic models currently evolving worldwide. In addition to the courses, it is also an opportunity to meet key players in the French legal system.

The program is taught in both English and French and is open to anyone who has completed a minimum of three years of legal studies (students and legal practitioners). Each year, this event brings together many students and legal professionals from all over the world who will be awarded, at the end of a final exam, a Training Certificate in Civil Law.    

All the relevant information and registration links are also available on our website:  English-speaking class: https://www.fondation-droitcontinental.org/fr/english-speaking-students/