Thomas Allan Heller
Telefon: 00386 70 493 335

Prostor: 104/4
Sodeluje pri predmetih:
- Angleška pravna terminologija (P)
- Nadgradnja angleške pravne terminologije (P)
- B.A. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1976.
- J.D. Wayne Law, Detroit, Michigan, 1979.
- Formerly licensed attorney Michigan and Washington States.
- Former Law Clerks to the Honorable Hilda R. Gage, Oakland County Circuit Court, 1978-1979.
- Former Law Clerk to the Honorable Dorothy Comstock Riley, Michigan Court of Appeals, Division 1, Detroit Michigan, 1980-1981.
- Partner Keller Rohrbach, Seattle, Washington.
- Member and Managing Member Heller Wiegenstein 1997-2016, Edmonds, Washington.
- Senior Lecturer and Adjunct Professor, Maribor Law Faculty 2017- present.